Es wird aber ganz klar gesagt, dass der Patch keine Neuerungen mit sich bringen wird, sondern nur Fehler beseitigt, wie zum Beispiel beim Kaufen neuer Inhalte auf der PlayStation 3. In der folgenden Patchnote könnt ihr nachlesen, was verbessert worden ist.
- Fixed an issue that caused the game to crash after the player had more than 240 missions in their mission log.
- Added the ability to preview and purchase add-on characters from the 'New Game' character selection screen and when joining another player's game and choosing your character.
- Added un-purchased campaign add-ons to the Fast Travel station list to streamline the ability to purchase the new content. These locations appear with an asterisk next to their names.
PlayStation 3-Patch:
- Added the ability to preview and purchase Additional Content characters from the 'New Game' character selection screen and when joining another player's game and choosing your character.
- Added un-purchased Additional Content campaigns to the Fast Travel station list to streamline the ability to purchase the new content. These locations appear with asterisks next to their names.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the in-game Additional Content store to frequently return "Unable to enumerate Additional Content offerings" errors.
- Fixed a bug causing the user to not be taken to the appropriate offer in the PSN store when trying to purchase a customization from a customization station
Quelle: buffed